Category: Otters

  • Avalon Marshes 3 – Shapwick Heath

    Avalon Marshes 3 – Shapwick Heath

    Across the road to Shapwick Heath and we headed up the old railway track, Elaine had said there was talk of an American Wigeon being sighted in the scrape near the Tower hide so we were hoping to see him. We hadn’t spotted any Wigeon at Ham wall so we were hoping. Before we could…

  • Stour Meadows

    Stour Meadows

    Rod, my husband, wanted something from Screwfix in Blandford and I offered go and collect the order. My thinking was that I could go into town and walk along the Stour Meadows for a half and hour or so with my camera to see what was about. I haven’t walked along this stretch of river…

  • Otter sighting

    Otter sighting

    On the 11th of April I decided to walk towards Berre Marsh, it was half light when I reached the footbridge over the Stour to Bere Marsh. I always go onto the bridge quietly hoping to see something and this morning I thought I saw something shaped like and Otter head! I stopped and within…