Around Home

It’s been relatively quiet at or around home lately. I’ve been putting food out for the birds but the visitors to the feeders have been mainly Sparrows, Starlings, a few Blackbirds and Robins I hope it’s because there is plenty of food elsewhere and when it get colder we will see some more variety.

Robin waiting for food
Robin waiting for food

The Hedgehogs have been visiting every night and the dish of moist Hedgehog food has all gone by the morning, although the dried has just been picked over, they are very fussy! I think we may have around six individuals by looking at my night camera footage, noting size and shading of the prickles on some of their backs.

I went for a walk after breakfast one morning to see what was about, the first bird I spotted was a Jay foraging down the lane, they have been very busy collecting what food they can to store for the winter.

Jay foraging for food
Jay foraging for food

I’ve spotted my first Redwings! I have seen a small number around the village, I managed to get a picture although not very good just so I could confirm that they were Redwings as the lighting wasn’t good. I was pleased that I was right with my identification.


I headed towards Netmead field hoping to see something interesting along the back hedgerow. Just as I went into the field the hedge cutter came which wasn’t going to help with my birdwatching! I continued around the field and I did manage to see a number of Reed Buntings on the back hedge in between his cutting runs, but not much else except some Dunnocks. Hopefully sightings again will improve soon.

Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting

Even the Roe deer seem few and far between, I usually spot a doe and her baby early in the morning in Netmead field and I saw a buck recently but I haven’t seen them in the field at the back of our house for a few months.

Roe buck
Roe buck

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