
On Thursday 9th December I thought it was about time I had a morning walk, that is after breakfast walk when it was light, just local to see what birds were about. It was pleasant morning and quite sunny as I headed off down Greenway Lane, it was very quiet with just a Robin in the hedgerow and a female Blackbird turning over leaves in the lane.

Blackbird, female
Blackbird, female

I was a little disappointed as it was very quiet in the Spinney by the river, nothing showing at all just some distant birdsong. I headed into the field and I saw a flash of blue by the willow tree that edges the stream, a Kingfisher had just disappeared around the back of the tree. I edged slowly towards the tree but he flew off towards the bridge. The river was still high from the heavy rain from Storm Barra, so he was checking out the edge of the stream for food.

As I headed towards Netmead field I heard a Woodpecker and soon saw a pair of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers together in the tall hedgerow, one flew off but one stayed for a photograph!

Greater Spotted Woodpecker
Greater Spotted Woodpecker

There were a number of Redwings feeding in the field and flying into the trees, they are very nervous and soon disappear if there is anyone around.


As I headed round the field there were a number of small birds low in the cut hedgerow, I could hear a Wren and of course the usual Magpies and Crows flying across the field and a number of Black Headed Gulls flying high heading somewhere to feed for the day.

I walked round by the river, again there wasn’t much movement. There was a Buzzard in the distance on the other side of the Stour who flew into a tree and stayed there for the time of was in the field. I suddenly heard the sound of Swan wings and looked up and a single Swan flew overhead. Just behind the Buzzard suddenly a flock of WoodPigeons flew out of the woodland, the ones I photographed were just a small number of what came out and headed across the field, there must have been a hundred or more.

Pigeon flock
Pigeon flock

I turned round to come back along the hedgerow and there was as usual a Dunnock showing nicely on top of the hedge and a number of Reed Buntings but no Yellowhammers or Linnets as yet, I do hope they return this winter.

Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting

Time to head back home for dinner, the time soon goes when you are wildlife watching. I went back into the Spinney and saw quite a few birds a Jay, Great Tits, Blue Tits and small flocks of Chaffinches and Long Tailed Tits.

Great Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Blue Tit

I walked back up Greenway Lane and I was pleased to see a Song Thrush as I got towards the top of the lane. Then as I was just going off the lane towards home I saw a couple of male Bullfinches in the tall hedge. I couldn’t miss them they looked very handsome but too quick for me to take a photo, hopefully I will see them again soon.

Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Song Thrush

I listed the birds I saw in the short time I was out, including the usuals! So it wasn’t a bad morning!

  1. Pigeons
  2. Blackbirds m and f
  3. Robin
  4. Sparrows
  5. Dunnock
  6. Greater Spotted Woodpeckers  x 2
  7. Chaffinches
  8. Long Tailed Tits
  9. Blue Tits
  10. Great Tits
  11. Jay
  12. Buzzard
  13. Kingfisher
  14. Reed Buntings
  15. Redwings
  16. Wren
  17. Song Thrush
  18. Bullfinches
  19. Swan
  20. Magpies
  21. Crows
  22. Black backed Gulls
  23. Starlings

4 thoughts on “Netmead

  1. Marilyn

    Marilyn, You really must change your blog description. ‘Novice nature watcher’ ??!!


  2. Hello Marilyn, yes I would agree with Jack for sure. As ever some really good pictures and just shows you never have to travel very far to see some interesting birds.

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