I had a great day out on Wednesday 26th October with friend Ange at Dean Mason‘s woodland hide. We had booked a combination day with 6 hours in the bird hide and 2 hours with the Harvest Mice but unfortunately the weather was not good for the Harvest Mice it was quite windy and they were unlikely to climb up the plants to allow us to take photographs. We will return for the mice when the weather improves. But we had 7 hours in the bird hide, it sounds a long time but it soon goes watching and taking photos of all the birds who come in and Dean has all the mod cons with Tea making facilities comfy chairs etc. so it is certainly not a chore. I always find it very relaxing enjoying the wildlife and taking photographs and it was great being with a like minded friend to swap tips and help each other.
There were plenty of different birds coming to feed and one time a Saprrowhawk drifted over the top of the hide and then landed in the tree above the feeding stations, but I missed a photograph he didn’t stay around, but lovely to see.
A great day as always and some lovely birds to see, we have booked to go again in February when we hope to see some winter visitors, whatever happens it’s bound to be a good day!