Even near the end of December the Hedgehogs have been very active, I keep hoping they are going to have a sleep, but no they are still feeding well. I think there may have been at least four or more individuals feeding in the garden on the night I put the camera out, I have to go through around 50 30 second videos they were so active and still squabbling! They all look very healthy which I’m very pleased about.
We are starting to see some different birds visiting the garden now, besides our usual visitors, a flock of six Goldfinches stayed for a little while on the dry heads of my perennial plants. A Green Woodpecker landed on the fence for a while and a Coal Tit fed on the front feeder. I was looking out our kitchen window and spotted a Heron in the field he stayed for a while and then flew off.

I often hear Tawny Owls close to the house at night I keep hoping I may see one but they keep themselves well hidden during the day. I spotted several Chaffinches just in the lane up in the tall hedgerow. Down the lane I was pleased to see a Treecreeper on one of the old Oak trees. We see a Buzzard close to home, often being worried by the Crows. There is a large flock of around fifty or more Redwings in the field just off the lane at the top of our road. They are very nervous and I haven’t managed to get an image yet, mind you the light has been so poor just lately that it is difficult to see the birds clearly for identification or photography.