Nearly the end of the year and I think it’s been a good one as far as I’m concerned with all the wildlife, from tiny insects to mammals I’ve seen both home and away. I’m hoping 2022 will continue the same, it will be exciting to discover new creatures, the uncertainty of what you might see is part of the excitement for me. Also improving my photography as always there is so much to learn, but it’s fun trying!
We had a recent visit from a Green Woodpecker at the front of the house, pecking into the grass, we have seen one in the back garden recently but only fleetingly. We watched this one from the bedroom, I took a picture through a rain covered window hoping by getting close to the window and focussing on the bird the water drops wouldn’t show in the image! He stayed there for quite some time before eventually flying off.
Another encounter at home. I had just come back with Tilly on my early morning walk, it was just after dawn, a little grey and damp and Rod told me the Deer were in the field behind our house and there were four. He went and got my camera for me, I haven’t been taking it much recently as the mornings have been so dark. I went down the garden under cover of the shrubs and managed a few images of them before they moved into the next field. They were unaware I was watching them. There was a mature Buck and Doe and two youngsters, I think they may be bucks but not too sure. Good to see them again.
Another encounter was when we returned from a trip to Ham Wall on Boxing Day (Post to come soon!) I just walked our dogs up the lane and it was after sunset and what a beautiful sunset, with mist rising from the fields and subtle colour in the sky. There were Bats wizzing up and down the lane, I wondered what it was a first they were going so fast, fantastic to see I suppose it was warm enough to come out of their hibernation to feed.
Great images Marilyn and I really like the detail you can see on the Green Woodpecker. Can’t wait for the Ham Wall blog.
Thank you, Ham Wall blog coming very soon!