Nature Diary – Jottings of and Amateur Photographer and Nature lover.

  • Avalon Marshes 3 – Shapwick Heath

    Avalon Marshes 3 – Shapwick Heath

    Across the road to Shapwick Heath and we headed up the old railway track, Elaine had said there was talk of an American Wigeon being sighted in the scrape near the Tower hide so we were hoping to see him. We hadn’t spotted any Wigeon at Ham wall so we were hoping. Before we could…

  • Day at Windows on Wildlife hide

    Day at Windows on Wildlife hide

    I had a great day out on Wednesday 26th October with friend Ange at Dean Mason‘s woodland hide.  We had booked a combination day with 6 hours in the bird hide and 2 hours with the Harvest Mice but unfortunately the weather was not good for the Harvest Mice it was quite windy and they…

  • Win Green

    Win Green

    The middle of October and it was a bright sunny day, so Rod and I took a short ride up to Win Green, a lovely viewpoint to see the landscape all around, down to the coast, towards the Blackmore Vale and across Wiltshire. It was a little chilly with a cold wind blowing. I just…